Выборы 2000

Республика Беларусь


The information message.


The initiative group of Marina Levonevskaya (constituency #52, Grodno) was refused to visit the military unit 5522 which is situated in Grodno, Krasnoarmeyskaya street 11 (the commander is Vitaly Iosifovich Koslovsky, tel. 44-94-29, the vice-political instructor is Gennady Nikolaevich Yaroshevich, tel. 44-60-19). This unit concerns to the system of MIA. The reason of the refusal is banal. On this district lieutenant colonel Avramchik, the vice-chairman of DIA of the Grodno executive committee, stands for the deputies and nobody except for the representatives of Avramchik and his subordinates are permitted to come into this unit. More than 300 military men of this unit are deprived of the opportunity to choose a candidate for themselves.

Is it an honest struggle?




Valery Levonevsky








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