Выборы 2000

Республика Беларусь


To the Public prosecutor of the Grodno region


The Complaint

On illegal actions of the officials


31.08.2000 the initiative group of Valery Levonevsky on petition to support the candidate in the deputies of the Chamber of the Representatives was arrested and conveyed into the militia division. The detention of Victor Podchinenkov, Oleg Podgaetsky and Irina Chigir was carried out by the employees of DIA of Leninky region of Grodno at the request of Fedor Nikolaevich Leonov, the pro-rector of the Grodno state agricultural institute (GSACI) (tel. 47-20-35). The basis of the arrest is the petition to support the candidate in the deputies in the hostel of GSACI. F. N. Leonov categorically forbids the initiative group of Valery Levonevsky on petition to enter into the hostels for the petition. The initiative group was released from the militia late in evening, after the investigation.

1.09.2000 I ask F. N. to explain this fact. Having referred on an internal document of GSACI he answered that he did not let the initiative group of Valery Levonevsky to come into the hostels and he is not going to do this.


From my point of view, the actions of F. Leonov contain attributes of a criminally - punishable crime (the excess of power, excess of service powers), essentially limit the rights of the students on promotion of the candidate in the deputies and the rights of the citizens to visit these hostels (Tereshkovoy 26 and 24).


On the basis of above-stated I ask:


1.   To check up the legality and validity of the detention (arrest) of my initiative group.

2.   To check up the legality and validity of the creation of obstacles by the administration of the hostel in visiting of these hostels by the initiative group.

3.   To check up the legality and validity of the refusal of the management of GSACI to permit to visit these hostels by the initiative group 31.08.2000.

4.   To check up the legality and validity of the presence of the permissive system for the visitors of these hostels.

5.   To carry out the complex check of the orders, rules etc. of documents regulating the restriction of the rights and freedom of the citizens, living in student's hostels of GSACI and citizens visiting these hostels.

6.   To make the management of GSACI and the administration of the hostel answer on the above mentioned facts according to the law.

7.   To arrange the measures of the reaction of the public prosecutor not to repeat the above-stated facts further.


2.04.2000                                                                            Valery Levonevsky







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